How to Clean Cloudy Exterior Windows

A clean environment leads to a clear mind. Keeping your species spick and span might take extra effort, but it is incredibly worth it. Not only does a clean space look aesthetically pleasing, but it can also greatly benefit your physical and mental health.

One aspect of a house or environment that tends to get dirty incredibly quickly are windows. Windows provides a scenic outlook on whatever view lies outside your house or building. These beautiful glass structures look their best when clear and free from stains or smudges.

Often, windows become so dirty that they look cloudy. The view gets obstructed due to this, disallowing us from enjoying it and taking it in. It is all the more frustrating when cloudiness affects the window’s exterior instead of the interior. This is because interiors are relatively easy to clean. Exteriors, however, can be rather difficult, especially if they are located on high-rise buildings.

If you are stressed and confused about how to deal with this issue head-on, we’ve got you covered! Here are some insights into our tips on how to clean cloudy exterior windows. Follow these window cleaning tricks, leaving you with spotless surfaces and breathtaking views!

Gather your cleaning supplies

The first step to removing that cloudy exterior on your window is to gather the right cleaning supplies. Collecting the essential products is imperative to successfully cleaning your window.

Warm water

You will require warm water for creating your cleaning solution and rinsing the windows.

Opt for a gentle dish soap that will effectively cut through dirt and grime without causing any harm to the glass.

White vinegar

Purchase some white vinegar if you do not already have some on hand, as it is a natural degreaser and an excellent solution for tackling water spots and mineral deposits on your windows.

Bucket & squeegee

A bucket is also important for mixing your cleaning solution and providing a convenient container for your cleaning tools.

Invest in a high-quality squeegee, as it’s crucial for achieving a streak-free finish.

Scrubbing tool

Choose a scrubbing tool to gently remove dirt and stains from the window’s surface. Ensure it won’t scratch or damage the glass in any way.

Microfibre cloth

Use a microfiber cloth, as these are ideal for wiping down edges, frames, and sills and providing a final polish to the window’s surface.

Brush the window

Now that you have gathered your cleaning supplies, it’s time to begin brushing some of the debris off. You can do this using a scrubbing brush.

Before you begin, ensure your chosen scrubbing brush, broom, or soft brush is clean and free of any dirt or debris that could potentially scratch the glass during this step. Begin at the top of the window and work your way down. This way, any debris that falls will not land on an already-cleaned portion of the window.

Gently sweep away loose debris such as leaves, dust, or cobwebs from the window’s exterior using your chosen scrubber, paying close attention to the corners and edges, as these areas often collect the most debris.

Create your cleaning solution

The magic truly takes place when it comes to creating our cleaning solution. Making the perfect concoction will provide you with ideal results.

Start by filling a bucket with warm water, which helps to dissolve dirt and grime more effectively than cold water. Add a few drops of mild dish soap to the water. The dish soap acts as a gentle but efficient cleaning agent, breaking down accumulated oils and dirt on the window.

Adding a small amount of white vinegar to this works wonders, as it is a natural degreaser and is excellent at removing water spots and mineral deposits. If you use vinegar, a quarter cup for every gallon of water is typically sufficient. Gently stir the solution to thoroughly mix the soap and vinegar with the warm water.

Scrub the window with the solution and polish

Now it’s time to revisit our scrubbing friends and use them to scrub the solution onto the window’s exterior. Dip your scrubbing brush or sponge into the soapy water solution, allowing it to soak up the cleaning mixture. Begin scrubbing the window’s surface in an organized manner.

Work from top to bottom, covering each section thoroughly. Use gentle yet consistent pressure, particularly in stubborn stains, water spots, or mineral buildup. Remember not to get worked up when scrubbing, as applying too much pressure may result in scratches on the glass. Once again, don’t forget to clean the window’s edges, frames, and sills, as these areas accumulate dirt and grime.

Finish off by polishing the glass with a microfibre cloth. This will soak up the solution remaining on the glass and leave your window without stains or streaks!

Consider using an extension pole for your scrubbing tool if your windows are in elevated or hard-to-reach locations. This not only simplifies the task but also ensures your safety. If using a ladder, take all necessary precautions, such as securing it properly and having someone by your side to assist you and ensure your safety.

Hire window cleaning services

Another option that you could consider to help get your windows cleaned well would be to call for professional help. Hiring a window cleaning service could save you plenty of time and effort. They are trained and experienced in the art of window cleaning. They possess the knowledge and skills to tackle various window types and conditions.

Whether you have large, multi-pane windows, specialty glass, or windows in high, difficult-to-reach locations, professionals have the expertise to do the job efficiently and effectively!

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