Why Do Husbands Cheat On Wives They Love?

Taking marriage vows has always come with a commitment of exclusive intimacy where you only share your sexuality. Love is the glue that holds this bond together, and a marriage contract provides legality to a committed relationship.

Unfortunately, some men stray from this pact and seek sexual activity outside the home. Their partners often discover this infidelity through the help of a private investigator cheating specialist. What drives this cheating, especially when a man still adores his wife? Unless there is an open arrangement in the relationship, there must be a driving force behind being unfaithful, right?

Let’s answer the question: Why do husbands cheat on wives they love?

1. Their Sexual Needs Are Not Being Met

No two people have the same sex drive; men usually still want it more. When first dating, life isn’t that complicated, and there is lots of time for sex. After marriage, many couples take on many responsibilities with mortgages, car loans, children and careers that over-work and over-worry them.

Men see sex as a way to release the pressure and are always ready to go, but unfortunately, their spouses may not be interested. Instead of understanding the pressures and working as a team to bring peace and harmony to the home, they seek a quick, sexual fix elsewhere.

2. They Want Variety

For those that want to experience different sexual relationships throughout their lives, they should remain single. This way, no one can get too emotionally hurt, and you don’t splinter families. Often, men want the security and stability of a marriage and genuinely love their spouse but still want that single side of their life to live on.

They fail to realize that love comes with boundaries, and they can’t stray from their wives and remain a healthy couple. Instead, they should talk to their wives about their sexual needs and seek that variety within their marital bed with their committed partner.

3. They Think They Can Get Away With it

Some men want their cake and other desserts on the side as well. They figure as long as they hold up their end of the marriage deal about finances and spending time with the family, a little something on the side shouldn’t be an issue.

Often, jobs take men away from the home and provide a window for cheating. A man with poor self-esteem or a big ego will seek sex with others because they can get away with it. They think nothing of the fracturing they are causing in their marriage because it is a selfish act of instant gratification that they hope will go undetected.

4. They Want To Feel Those Intense Emotions

There is a sexual crescendo that builds up in new relationships, and it is intense and very satisfying. Once the honeymoon is over, some men lose that fire and want to rekindle it with someone else. The comfort zone of long-term love is great for them, but they miss the intensity of sexual pursuit and discovery, so they find new people to ignite it.

Established relationships come with routine, but they may crave the excitement of an affair. They don’t realize that their spouse probably feels the same way, and if they talked to them and put in the effort, they could bring back the intense intimacy within their marriage.

5. They Are Immature

Not all men are mature and committed husbands in a marriage. Some men fall into marriage and “love” the idea of it but hate the responsibilities. They care for their wife but haven’t grown up accepting the responsibility and commitment a marriage commands.

When the storms come into a marriage, a mature person must work through them with their spouse. Instead, some men see it as an opportunity to cheat because they are not connecting or resolving issues with their wives and justify their sexual improprieties. Unfortunately, they lack the maturity to think through their actions and don’t have consequences.

6. They Experience The “Midlife Crisis”

We all go through life trying to achieve our goals, but ego is in the driver’s seat for some. As men get into their 40s and 50s, they may be disappointed with their achievements, and even though they have a loving family at home, it isn’t enough.

They want to gain the masculinity of their past, when all things were possible, and wonder if they “still have it.” This means spending more time with single friends, drinking and flirting with other women. This path often leads to extramarital sex to fulfill their ego and takes them away from the true commitment to their marriage.

This is why husbands cheat on the wives they love. Unfortunately, this is not how you show love but rather a betrayal of it entirely. It is not the job of their wives to fix them, though. They must look inward and fix themselves so they respect their commitment and seek a deeper sexual connection with the woman they married.

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