6 Best Shoulder Exercises for Women

What is the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of the word “workout”? We’d be willing to bet that exercising your shoulders is probably last on your list. If it even makes it on the list, that is.

However, shoulder exercises should not be overlooked. Did you know that exercising your shoulders is important for a well-rounded workout? As any chiropractor will tell you, having a strong back, chest, and shoulders is essential for a healthy body.

Before you begin any shoulder exercises, you should get your equipment in order. Yes, there will be at least a set of basic dumbbells involved to get started. True, you can exercise your shoulders using bodyweight exercises alone, but those will only take you so far. A set of dumbbells (preferably a few sets with different weight levels if you can), some resistance bands ranging in weight, and a mat are what you need as a beginner.

Afterwards, you can get started with these six best shoulder exercises for women:

1. Warm-Up Exercises

Never begin any kind of workout without a proper warm-up. This rule applies to any exercise you do, even if you’re working for a small muscle group like your shoulders. Don’t start a workout while your muscles are still cold. That’s just asking for an injury that could easily be avoided.

Arm circles, windmills, arm swings, and spinal rotations are examples of some effective upper body warm-up movements that you can get started with. Light aerobic motions like walking or running in place can also help raise your heart rate and get your blood flowing. Once you feel the blood flowing and you feel that burst of energy, you’re ready to begin.

2. Dumbbell Exercises

The bicep curl is a staple movement that is a must for every upper body workout session. You can’t get through an upper-body routine without doing at least one set of bicep curls. Start with no weights first until you’re comfortable with the motions if you’re a beginner.

When you’re ready, start adding weights by picking up your lightest set of dumbbells first. You can gradually increase the weight as you go along. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart throughout the entire movement.

3. Resistance Band Exercises

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart again. Holding your resistance band in each hand, raise your arms, so your resistance band is directly in front of you. Raise them to no more than eye level.

In slow and controlled movements, pull on your resistance bands by opening your arms away from each other. The motion should look like you are trying to rip your resistance bands in half. Repeat the motion 15 times.

4. Halo Exercises

You can either stand or kneel on the floor for this movement. If you’re kneeling, your feet (or knees) should be slightly wider than hip-width apart. Holding one dumbbell in both hands, slowly circle the dumbbell around your head and back in front of your chest while keeping both arms bent. Repeat this 15 to 20 times for the best results.

5. Strength Training Exercises for Women

When it comes to exercising, most women tend to do it for weight loss. Resistance and strength training is something many women tend to shy away from because they’re afraid of “bulking up”.

Strength training, sometimes referred to as resistance training, is an important part of any fitness regimen. This is even more so for the upper body because we go through many movements and motions throughout the day using the muscles of our upper body to carry us through.

Many people believe that a strong lower body matters more because of how much we use our legs and core daily, but your upper body is no slacker either. Working out your arms, back, chest, and shoulders regularly is essential for maintaining upper body strength and shaping your muscles.

The advantages of strength training for women go well beyond toned, defined muscles. It’s not just about looking good alone. Building upper-body strength not only makes it easier to go through the motions of your daily routine, but it also helps to prevent osteoporosis and improves your posture in the long run.

6. Weight Lifting Exercises for Women

Working your shoulders is important, and weight lifting to work your shoulder and chest area should be a staple in your workout routine. Don’t worry, and it does not give you massive, gigantic, bulging muscles. That will happen only through a specific and controlled diet and exercise routine, just like the weight lifters do.

The good news is, getting started on building stronger shoulders is a piece of cake. Especially when you’ve got a list of basic exercises to help you get the ball rolling (no pun intended), try these three power-packed moves that will kickstart your beginner strength routine (yes, three is all you need to get started).

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