6 Career Benefits of Continuing Your Education

Industries are constantly growing and changing. Continuing education is a must for those who want to stay current with their industry’s latest skills, technologies, and developments. Certain professions also have to keep up with continuing education in order to comply with legislation, stay certified or licensed, or to maintain their membership in a licensing body or association.

Continuing education is a way for professionals to stay ahead of the game. Many careers require continuing education such as pharmacists, teachers, real estate agents, nurses, accountants, and dental hygienists, so they can keep and update the skills they must have in ever-changing environments. Continuing education may not seem exciting, but the benefits could affect your career for the rest of your life. Here are some of the facts that support its importance.

1. Increase Your Income

People with higher levels of education tend to earn more. It’s very likely that you would qualify for an increase in wage after completing continuing education courses. This is particularly when you are in the dental industry. Certified dental hygiene continuing education can increase your income working as a dental hygienist or a dental assistant.

2. Increase Your Qualification

Not all jobs require a higher education degree, but while this might be true, if you want a higher paying job, then it’s practically a must to have a higher education. And when there are continuing education courses available, it’s never a bad idea to take them, even if they aren’t required. Look at it from the perspective of the employer: if you had two prospective applicants, where one has several continuing education courses and the other has none. Which would you pick?

3. Gain Confidence

In many cases, you can “fake it until you make it” but real confidence comes from knowing what you’re doing. If your education isn’t up to par, sooner or later, people are going to be able to tell that you don’t know what you’re doing. This is where continuing education courses come in. If your source of confidence is your education, with a good foundation, no one is going to think you don’t know what you’re doing.

4. Better Lifestyle

Like it or not, society judges people based on their level of education. This is stereotyping, yes, and it’s not a good thing, but it’s reality. For now, higher education will get you a higher income, and a lot more respect from society and your peers. In fact, if you want a better lifestyle, often the way to do that is to elevate your job ceiling, which you can do through higher or continuing education. And it’s never a bad thing to have a better education.

5. Secure Your Future

The marketplace is so competitive now that it’s increasingly common to hear about companies downsizing. The odds aren’t great for business: in the first 10 years, 60 percent will go bankrupt or close up. That means there’s downsizing along the way. When it comes to this point, employers look first to those who are more expendable, and do you think that’s the people with the most education and experience? That means you get better job security when you continue your education.

Not only that, but your education stays with you, even when you move jobs. If you leave your current position, you take with you your degree or credits, and other employers are sure to want your experience, education, and skill sets.

6. Improve Your Social Network

Networking is a buzzword these days. The wider the connections you have, the more people you can find willing to help you, and the more people you can help. Attaining a higher degree of education can help you increase your social network, and you’re likely to meet professors, students, and others who share your interests.

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